Donnerstag, 21. April 2016


I will write this post in English as you can see, I hope you will understand it.

This post will be a summary of the month January as far as I can remember. I had to refresh my memories a little bit with looking at pictures, but I think at the most important events I took pictures so I shouldn't forget something important. 
January was the month I bought my new phone, so yea that's what I spend all my money on in January. 
One weekend in January we had an exchange student trip to Minneapolis, Minnesota. On Saturday we visited a lot of museums and stuff in the city. Then we spend the night in a hotel and I can remember that I had some really good conversation with other exchange students, it always is way easier to talk to exchange students than it is to talk to Americans, because exchange students actually understand what you are going through. 
On Sunday we went to the mall of America to go shopping. I spend most of my time with a girl from Brazil and a boy from France. We had an awesome time trying on the thing the French guy was picking out for us. He picked some really funny clothes out! 
If you ever get to go to the mall of America you definitely have to go to this one restaurant them makes cinnamon buns, I think it's called Cinnabun, which would make sense to me. They are soo good, I would die to get to go there again just to eat. 
In January I started to go to a different lunch. It actually isn't allowed to do it, because I should be in the class where I do my homework, but my teacher doesn't care if I am there or not so I just don't go because there's also no homework I don't get done in other classes. And I rather spend the time at lunch with my basketball girls than sitting around in a room with people I don't talk to usually. And it's way more fun in that lunch.
In January we also had our first Show  Chior Competition. We had to make a long way down to Iowa and stayed the night there. I will put some pictures in this post where you can see what show Chior is. Our Chior is called Sound Dimension, if anyone was wondering.

The Chior competition was a lot of fun and I was really excited at my first one, but that got less with the other ones. Because it's very stressful to get ready and to change in between the songs. Show choir taught me how to change a whole outfit in a couple seconds, so maybe when I will be back home I will be able to change from pjamas into my outfit for the day faster and my mom and sister won't have to complain that I take such a long time every morning. 
When we got to our hotel me and some friends ordered pizza and after that everyone went to the pool. I forgot to bring my swimsuit, but I just jumped in with a shirt an leggings and my big sister.
My school had a cancer benefit that was organized by the girls basketball team. (Eine Spendenaktion für Krebskranke) We got together a lot of money which all was for people with cancer. The funniest part about the whole thing was that before we played our basketball game we got to dye our coaches hair pink. It was hilarious and the dye stayed in their hair for some time, it wasn't very strong but you could see it for some days.
A bummer was that I didn't get to see the German Handball team win the Championship, because Americans really don't know what Handball is. 

Lange her.

Ich weiß es ist lange her das ich einen post geschrieben habe. Ich hatte immer wieder angefangen einen Blog Post zu schreiben, aber die haben sich auf irgendeine Art von selbst gelöscht. Ich hoffe das gleiche wird nicht auch mit diesem Post passieren.
Ich weiß nicht mehr genau was ich in meinem letzten veröffentlichten Post geschrieben habe, ich weiß nur das es schon einige Zeit her ist und ich jetzt warscheinlich nicht alles nachholen kann, aber ich werde mein bestes geben und euch auch in meiner letzten Zeit hier auf dem laufenden halten. 
Mein letzter Post war über Weihnachten, was jetzt schon fast 5 Monate her ist. Ich werde also einfach einmal mit New Years Eve, also Silvester weiter berichten. 
Das Silvester bei meiner Familie ist von relativ großer Bedeutung, weil meine Familie immer eine große Party mit so c.a. 150 Leuten in unserem Haus hat. Aber es ist nicht so eine Feier wie ihr euch das vorstellt, es gibt keinen Alkohol. Da wir ein ziemlich großes Haus haben laden wir einfach ein paar Leute von unserer Kirche und Schule ein, wobei die meisten von ihnen Kinder und Jugendliche sind. Was sehr gut für mich war. Die meisten der Jugendlichen in meinem Alter haben die ganze Nacht bei uns verbracht und dann irgendwo geschlafen. Mein Bett haben vier meiner Freundinnen geklaut, weshalb ich dann auf dem Boden schlafen musste. Es war ein bisschen hart, aber ich hatte sowieso nur ein paar Stunden Schlaf. Am nächsten morgen als dann alle aufgewacht sind hätten wir ein großes Pancake und Waffel breakfast und dann müssten wir aufräumen. 
Ich und mein Bruder, wir haben uns ein bisschen gedrückt in dem wir mit ein paar Freunden Rodeln gewesen sind. 

Dies ist ein Ereignis das mir in Erinnerung geblieben ist, und es wäre definitiv ein Grund weshalb ich nocheinmal zur Winter Zeit zu Besuch kommen würde.